[vSRO] Counting Total Monster Spawns Categorized by Level

Here I'll share simple query about how to count total monster spawn categorized by their level, this should match total monster spawn you get when using gm command /worldstatus

This prolly useless to you but if you find it useful, feel free to develop it to match your needs ;)

Now the boring part:

SELECT d.CodeName128 AS 'Monster Code', e.Lvl AS 'Level', SUM(a.dwMaxTotalCount) AS 'Max Spawn'
FROM Tab_RefNest a 
INNER JOIN Tab_RefTactics b ON a.dwTacticsID = b.dwTacticsID
JOIN Tab_RefHive c ON a.dwHiveID = c.dwHiveID
JOIN _RefObjCommon d ON b.dwObjID = d.ID
JOIN _RefObjChar e ON d.Link = e.ID
JOIN _RefRegion f ON a.nRegionDBID = f.wRegionID
WHERE d.Rarity IN (0,6)    -- Only select Regular and Elite, add 3,8 for uniques
AND f.ContinentName NOT LIKE 'GOD_TOGUI'    -- Not including FGW monsters
AND (d.[Service] = 1 AND d.Codename128 LIKE 'MOB_%' AND d.Codename128 NOT LIKE 'MOB_GOD_%')   -- Not including FGW monsters
GROUP BY d.CodeName128, e.Lvl, d.Rarity ORDER BY e.Lvl ASC


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