This prolly useless to you but if you find it useful, feel free to develop it to match your needs ;)
Now the boring part:
SELECT d.CodeName128 AS 'Monster Code', e.Lvl AS 'Level', SUM(a.dwMaxTotalCount) AS 'Max Spawn' FROM Tab_RefNest a INNER JOIN Tab_RefTactics b ON a.dwTacticsID = b.dwTacticsID JOIN Tab_RefHive c ON a.dwHiveID = c.dwHiveID JOIN _RefObjCommon d ON b.dwObjID = d.ID JOIN _RefObjChar e ON d.Link = e.ID JOIN _RefRegion f ON a.nRegionDBID = f.wRegionID WHERE d.Rarity IN (0,6) -- Only select Regular and Elite, add 3,8 for uniques AND f.ContinentName NOT LIKE 'GOD_TOGUI' -- Not including FGW monsters AND (d.[Service] = 1 AND d.Codename128 LIKE 'MOB_%' AND d.Codename128 NOT LIKE 'MOB_GOD_%') -- Not including FGW monsters GROUP BY d.CodeName128, e.Lvl, d.Rarity ORDER BY e.Lvl ASC
This is awsome tnx ^^